When you get to the point when you know it is time to change your life, there are 3 important questions to ask yourself. Asking important questions helps you to get involved and help you to get clear. Clarity is absolutely necessary to go from where you are to where you want to be.
Imagine going to a restaurant and just sitting and when the server comes to the table and asks for your order, you can’t because you don’t know what you want. You must get clear about what you want, so you can get what you want. This is true about everything in life.
The first question is -What do you want? Take out a notebook and think of an area of your life that you want to experience change. For example, if the area is money, write out what you want. Of course the answer could be ‘I want more money.’ That is too general. That is like saying to the server in the restaurant, ‘I want food.’ Get clear about the money. Don’t limit the amount. You could answer something like, I want more than enough money to pay my bills on time and in full.
The second question is-Why do you want it? Expand into more about what you want. Move into details about what difference the more money will make in your life. Write it out and get the energy of your imagination involved. If you want more money to be able to take your family on vacations, spend time seeing you and your family on the beach, playing and relaxing. See the colors and smell the scent of the ocean. See the faces of your family smiling and having a wonderful time.
The third question is -How do you want to feel? This is actually the most important question. When we get into feeling how it will feel before we have it, something powerful happens. We are moving out of our heads and into our heart. The heart is where we create with feeling. It is also the intelligence center that will inspire you with the way and means to attract what you want because you sent out a feeling. You got clear. Amp up the feeling of already having more money. Write out the words that describe how it feels. Does it cause you to feel safe, secure, stable, relaxed and at ease? Does it make you feel free to be able to choose? Allow yourself to experience the feeling of having. Now you are changing into someone new. What you imagine with feeling is how to experience the change you have been wanting from the inside out which is how it can become your new reality.